First and foremost, we are here to share our passion of the open road and the vehicles that capture our hearts. CFD wants to keep you on the road longer, going further. Our passion revolve around old rigs but will happily consider all projects big or small. Bring us your plans and we will work with you to create a design that keeps you stoked wherever the road you’re on takes you.


    CFD is a build out specialist. Every job is custom and embodied with our Slower Than Fast mentality - no corners cut. We have lived in our vehicles, used our recovery gear, and enjoyed the pace of the road. All of our builds reflect our hard-earned experience and reflect the quality we value.

  • Electrical

    Electrical systems done right. We can help you design the right system for your rig and your useage. There’s no one size fit all system, but every system is built to function and to last. we can help you build your system from the ground up to be exactly what you need it to be.

  • Engine Swaps

    Save your old rig by giving it a new, reliable engine. We have extensive experience putting Subaru engines into Vanagons, VW diesel motors into Vanagons and Toyota trucks, Mercedes motors into trucks, and more. whatever motor you want in your rig, we want to hear about it and help you make it a reality.

THE process

With years of experience working on and perfecting engine swaps, building out full size vans, Crooked Finger Designs is here to help you accomplish your vision.

  • Our goal is to provide top-shelf service, that offers thorough consideration to the design process. We working with the best 3D designers, machinists, and fabricators to provide the best solutions we can create. It begins with an idea, whether that’s something you share with us, or one we’ve been mulling over while out on the road. This part of CFD is a critical component that makes us a highly competitive shop.

  • CFD custom products are designed to meet voids we have found in the market. Innovation to continue improving old vehicles, dialing in the newest ones, and continuously offering the best service we can. That involves the research and development of custom products guaranteed to outlast all the rest.

  • We’ve been there. Broken down far out of cell reception. Shredded tires on gravel roads. Turned the key with no sign of life. It’s these things that help us understand. And whatever your needs are, we are hear to listen a provide a tailored solution for keeping you on the road better equipped.